School Day
Children start school at 8.35am when the class teacher will open the Reception doors. Doors remain open until 8.45am. Our Reception classes can be found on the right hand side of the school beyond the nursery entrance. Any children who arrive after this time must come through the school office and will be marked as late. Children may wait outside the Reception doors, but should not be left unattended. On rainy days, staff will open the Reception doors early so that parents and children are not waiting in the rain.
If you would like your child to come to school earlier than 8.35am we have a school breakfast club that children can attend from 8am. Children are provided with activities and breakfast and there is a small charge. If you would like your child to attend breakfast club please speak to the school office.
Pick up time is 3.15pm. If you cannot collect your child and have arranged for another parent or relative to collect them you MUST inform a member of Reception staff. This can either be done in the morning when you bring your child to school, or you can phone the school office before the end of the school day and they will pass the message to Reception staff. We will not hand children over to unfamiliar adults for obvious safety reasons.
We also have an afterschool club available which is run by Junior Adventures Group (JAG) on our school premises. For further information, please see the JAG page on the school website
Reception children have their lunch between 11.50am – 1.05pm. Each child is entitled to a free school meal, and there are a variety of options each day, which include a vegetarian option. While you may find your child is fussy about food at home, we encourage all children to have school dinners as they are healthy and balanced. One of the Early Learning Goals for Reception is that children are able to make healthy choices regarding food, and we have found that with encouragement many children are willing to try new foods at school. And of course school dinners are free!
If your child has medical dietary requirements please do let us know.
Children are also provided with water and fruit throughout the day. Children under the age of five are entitled to free milk. If you would like your child to receive this, please fill in the form contained in your Reception pack. Once children turn five they may continue to receive milk for a charge. Children may bring their own water bottle to school if they wish. This should be labelled with your child’s name.
All children must wear a school uniform each day. These can be ordered from the school office. If you would like to order school uniform, you will find an order form enclosed in your Reception pack. These can be given to the school office and uniforms may be picked up in September.
When deciding which school shoes to purchase for your child, please consider that we encourage children to be independent so shoes with a Velcro fastening are ideal.
Reception children do not need a PE kit until the Spring Term, so there is no need to order this in September. We will send a reminder to parents and carers several weeks before your child needs a PE kit in the Spring Term so that you have plenty of time to purchase this.
We do a lot of learning outdoors, in all weathers, so children must be dressed appropriately for cold, rain, snow, wind and sun!
All items of clothing must be labelled clearly with your child’s name. Please ensure that your child’s clothes are labelled before they start school. We always prefer to spend our time on learning instead of hunting down missing jumpers!
Sometimes your child may wet or soil themselves at school. Some parents/carers like to leave a spare change of clothes hanging on their child’s coat peg so that if your child does have an accident staff have spare clothes to change them into.
Healthy Lunchbox Policy
If you do choose to provide your child with a packed lunch, it must adhere to our healthy lunchbox policy, a copy of which is included in your pack.