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Malmesbury Primary School

Brings out the best in everyone

Our Mission, Aims and Values

Our vision: to bring out the best in everyone


Our Mission


Our mission is to ensure we provide a stimulating, creative, challenging curriculum which is inspirational, relevant and fun. We want to provide an environment which is nurturing and inclusive, that promotes respect for all members of our diverse community and our environment, and that promotes British values.


Our Ethos


At Malmesbury Primary School our priority is to develop a learning environment, inspired by quality teaching, which builds upon and develops all of our individual talents. We ensure that our children enjoy a challenging, stimulating and diverse education, and that children are happy, feel safe and are valued.


Everything we do as a school is aimed at bringing out the best in everyone. We are deeply aware that children only get one chance at their primary education and that it is therefore our job to ensure that they all reach for the highest levels of personal achievement and development. We want every child to be successful, be prepared for the next stage of their education, have a love of learning for the rest of their lives and go on to make positive contributions to their community and wider society.


Our Values


  • Aspiration

  • Challenge

  • Compassion

  • Responsibility

  • Respect

  • Empathy

  • Self-belief

  • Co-operation

  • Tolerance

  • Resilience


Our Aims


  • For all children to make consistent and accelerated progress so that they reach the highest possible level of attainment

  • To ensure all children have high aspirations

  • To equip all children with the skills and knowledge to become responsible members of the community

  • To inspire all children to become confident lifelong learners

  • To create a nurturing, inclusive environment that inspires compassion, empathy and self-belief

  • To support all children in becoming respectful, resilient and tolerant members of society

  • To build strong collaborative partnerships with families and the local community

  • To create a language rich learning environment and deliver a curriculum which meets all our children’s needs

  • To promote British Values

Our School Rules


  • We are honest.
  • We listen and follow instructions the first time.
  • We are respectful, kind and gentle.
  • We look after property.
  • We work hard.
  • We call people the name they wish to be called.
