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Malmesbury Primary School

Brings out the best in everyone

Partnership between Home and School

It is vitally important that any concerns regarding the well-being of your child, or any other child in the school community, is shared with the class teacher immediately.


They will fully investigate the situation and get back to you as soon as possible. Please remember that in most instances incidents involving misbehaviour will be investigated and dealt with during the children's own time (such as playtime and lunchtime) in order to minimise disruption to learning. This may make it difficult to report back on the first day if there are key people or lots of people to speak to.


If you have not heard back in a reasonable amount of time or you do not feel the situation has been dealt with effectively, please arrange to speak to them again or ask to meet with your child's Phase Leader.


Behaviours of a more serious nature will be dealt with by the Senior Leadership Team and they will contact you to discuss their findings.


Please encourage your child to speak to a member of staff if incidents occur in school. You are also welcome to email on their behalf. We cannot support children if we are not aware that anything is happening.


When a child has been involved in an incident we will do our best to inform parents before the child goes home, however this is not always possible.


If a class teacher has behaviour concerns about a child they will arrange to speak with parents at the earliest opportunity.
