Our Results
At Malmesbury, we are committed to ensuring that all children make good progress in school and that a great many children make more than expected progress.
Teachers make judgements on children's attainment on a termly basis using information they have collected during the term. This information includes evidence in books, classroom observations, work completed during guided and small group sessions, discussions with Teaching Assistants and use of formative assessment results. We believe it is very important to use a range of sources to inform attainment judgements to ensure a whole picture of each child is considered.
Progress meetings are held termly with the class teacher and senior leaders to monitor each child. By tracking the progress of every child we are able to quickly identify children who may benefit from additional help or extra challenge and identify the best way to deliver this.
Senior leaders also use this progress data, alongside national assessment date, to identify the key priorities that are needed for whole school improvements and form part of the school's development plan.
School results can be viewed by clicking below.