PE and Sport
PE is a very important part of the life at Malmesbury Primary School. We provide a variety of opportunities for the pupils so that they can work as an individual, in pairs or in group games and activities.
Children are encouraged to get fitter, appreciate the importance of a healthy lifestyle and begin to understand how an active lifestyle affects their health and fitness.
We encourage and promote good sportsmanship, fairness and respect in our lessons, clubs and in competitions we compete in outside of school.
Our school offers a wide variety of free sports clubs throughout the year including football, multi-skills, gymnastics, athletics, netball and cricket. They are led by members of staff or sports coaches and are available for different age groups before school, after school and at lunchtimes.
Competition is a key part of PE at Malmesbury and we always encourage the children to challenge themselves in every lesson, club or competition they take part in.