Foreign Languages
French is taught throughout the school from Reception through to Year 6, with children being given the opportunity to participate in national and borough language competitions. As well as French, in Key Stage 2 children can join Spanish and German Clubs. To see some examples of some of our work, read on! To find out about our language clubs click on Spanish or German, or to see pictures and highlights of language events, international days and language competitions, click on Languages News.
Log-in details for both sites should be in your home-school diaries, but if you can't find them, ask Mme Fesnoux.
To find out out how to say 'hello' in some of the languages our children speak at home, click on the star and then choose the language you would like to hear.
Year 1 - Jacques le Gourmand
Year 1 have been learning the story of 'Jacques le Gourmand'.
To hear Year 1 tell the story, click here
Year 3 - Le Navet Énorme
Year 3 have been learning the story of The Enormous Turnip (Le Navet Énorme).
Click here to watch Chestnut tell the story.
Click here to watch Sycamore tell the story.
Year 2 - À Morden, il y a..
Year 2 have been learning a song about what's in Morden. You might recognise the tune!
Click here to listen to Oak Class singing.
Click here to listen to Ash Class singing.
Year 5 skyline calligrammes
Year 5 have been creating calligrammes of Morden skylines for the Merton and Kingston languages competition
and these children came runners up in the best poster category. Fantastique!
La Météo
Year 4 have been busy this term! They've been making lift-the-flap books with weather expressions. Here are a few of them.